Thursday, July 31, 2008

To the last, Dos Equis, I grapple with thee...

Dos Equis has this truly amusing series of commercials out. They center around a man who is essentially a cross between Jay Peterman from Seinfeld and Ricardo Montalban ("Khaaaaaaaaaaan!" Sorry, couldn't help myself).

He is billed "The Most Interesting Man in the World." He usually has at least two (young enough to be his granddaughter) babes at his table, and a much younger and -we can safely assume- much less-sophisticated younger guy who, while resenting grandpa for squashing his prospects, can't help admiring and wanting to be the craggy ol' codger.

The tagline?

"I don't always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis."

Well, now. Let's just say the name of the beer is very appropriate: The first four letters of the second word are, obviously, E-Q-U-I. It is absolutely no coincidence that these are also the first four letters of the word "equine," which means "of, or pertaining to, or resembling a horse." As in "Dos Equis tastes like the drippings of an equine's bladder."

The Most Interesting Man in the World has yet again proven Justin's Beer Advertising Theorem, which states that the quality of a beer is inversely proportional to the quality of its advertising.

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