Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Mac Question

Alright, it's finally time to address why I just don't the hip thing and give up PCs for a nice, shiny, sleek, hip Mac.

Here's why:

1. Macs are overpriced. Three years ago, I had my choice of a $700 Compaq and a $1,200 notebook, which was slower and smaller. The Compaq has been dropped on hard surfaces multiple times, and I've even managed to keep viruses at bay.

2. Mac has created a brand image that I loathe. It's trying to be counter-culture, as if owning a Mac is somehow "sticking it to The Man." Well, that's simply like Starbucks (with better stock prices) trying to position itself as an underdog. Right now, Mac's image is Scion-driving hipsters with funny haircuts who like listening to low-fi garage bands. Maybe an alternate brand, complete with a different name, would change this. Of course, Apple-ologists will wave their arms and sputter "But, but, but they did that with the Performa line in the 90s, and it flopped!" Okay, so that was the wrong time. We're now in the post-iPod phase, and Apple needs to try again and get it right. Otherwise, no money and no love from The WordWhacker.

3. I can't stand Mac's Hello, Kitty-ized interface. Too cutesy and graphic. I like Spartan and straightforward. I have to say Linux distros do this really, really well. Not perfectly, but darned close. How hard would it be for Mac to offer a customizable interface?

4. Work on making its operating system work on PCs. Some hackers can do this. I lack the geek-fu to accomplish this, but I would like a stable operating system (with a decent interface, see #3). And I don't want the crapware that comes with so many new PCs. Sell that operating system for $100 and watch Microsoft choke on the pressue.

There you have it.

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